Meet The Speakers

  • Tanmeet Sethi, MD

    Tanmeet Sethi, MD


    Tanmeet Sethi, MD is an Integrative and Psychedelic Medicine Physician, activist, author, and TEDx speaker who has dedicated her career to caring for the most marginalized patients in Seattle’s refugee, uninsured and homeless populations as well as global communities traumatized by manmade and natural disasters as senior faculty for The Center for Mind Body Medicine. Her first book, Joy Is My Justice: Reclaim Yours Now, published in May 2023, is a radical call to claim Joy as our birthright, the deepest liberation we can know and a path to power through oppression. She is also a Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Washington and a primary clinical investigator there on the sacred plant medicine, psilocybin. In her clinical practice, she weaves modern and ancient medicine to catalyze the most profound healing. She lives in Seattle, WA with her husband and three children.

  • Amber Groomes, Ph.D

    Amber Groomes, Ph.D


    Dr. Amber Groomes is a licensed clinical psychologist specializing in the treatment of anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder and trauma. She graduated from the University of Maryland, College Park with bachelor's degrees in Psychology and Family Sciences. She then completed a master's of Educational Psychology and a doctorate in School Psychology at the University of Texas at Austin. Dr. Groomes has completed advanced training in psychological assessment, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Exposure and Response Prevention Training, Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and perinatal mental health. In 2020, she opened her private practice in Maryland and currently supports clients virtually in many states across the US.

  • Jeannie Ewing

    Jeannie Ewing


    Jeannie Ewing is a published author with a background in school counseling who writes and speaks about existential ambivalence, giving ourselves permission to be human, and holding space for our tender needs. She can be found on her website, or on Substack under I Grow Strong Again.

  • Lauren Barber

    Lauren Barber


    Lauren is a Mother of two daughters, a Writer, Sacred Business Mentor, Soulful Branding and Website designer, Podcaster, Human Design Guide, Yoga & Meditation Teacher, Women’s Circle facilitator and true multi-passionate creative alchemist. She works in the realms of Motherhood, the Healing Arts and Holistic Wellbeing and comes alive when she is holding space for others to connect with their whole, true and soul-centered self.

  • Kathryn Barbash, PsyD

    Kathryn Barbash, PsyD


    Kathryn Barbash, PsyD is a clinical psychologist with a decade of experience working with families across school and medical settings. She is currently a stay-at-home parent for her four kids and writes, Mindful Mom in the Mud, a newsletter about the mess of parenthood.

  • Kaitlyn Topolewski

    Kaitlyn Topolewski


    Kaitlyn Topolewski is a psychotherapist and wellbeing coach from the Midwest. She currently lives in Denver with her husband, son, and their two dog-like cats. She writes a newsletter on Substack called dialoguing. Kaitlyn hopes to help demystify therapy, therapists, and bring therapeutic concepts out of the therapy hour and into your hands.

  • Naomi Gottlieb-Miller

    Naomi Gottlieb-Miller


    Naomi is a mover, a maker, and a mom of 3 wild, wonderful kids. She has been teaching yoga and movement since 2005, known best for classes that are creative, playful, and strong. Naomi specializes in teaching short classes that pack a punch, making sure you can easily squeeze your daily movement into whatever pockets in your day you happen to have.

  • Krista Steele

    Krista Steele


    Krista is a therapist, writer and homemaker based in Columbus, Ohio where she lives with her husband, Jeff and their children. She never leaves the house without a book and always adds a bouquet of flowers to her Trader Joe’s cart. If Krista had a rule of life it would be Mary Oliver’s words: “Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.” Join Krista for an interactive workshop that will support you in accessing self-compassion through guided meditation and journaling exercises.

  • Heidi Schauster

    Heidi Schauster


    Heidi Schauster, MS, RD, LDN, CEDS-S, SEP is a nutrition therapist and Somatic Experiencing (SE)™ Practitioner in the Greater Boston area who has specialized in eating and body image concerns for nearly 30 years. She provides individual and group counseling and clinical supervision/consultation and is particularly interested in the intersection between food and body concerns with trauma. Heidi considers herself a whole-self-wellness practitioner and Embodiment Warrior. She is the author of two award-winning books, Nourish and Nurture, and the Nourishing Words newsletter on Substack.

  • Emma Del Rey

    Emma Del Rey


    Emma Del Rey is a mother, writer, and artist. Her background includes trauma-informed coaching, meditation and therapy studies. Emma is creator and space holder at Being in Motherhood, a collaborative space for mothers to share their words about motherhood. Emma spends her days chasing her wild toddler and taking every free moment to write, create, and be.

  • Kimberly Dickerson

    Kimberly Dickerson


    Kim is a trained therapist with a Master’s degree in Mental Health Counseling and a Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology. Over a fifteen years span, Kim worked in jails, domestic violence centers, substance abuse treatment centers, hospitals, residential facilities, and private practice.

    Kim is a mom, grandma, and cat lover. She writes about her time as a therapist and therapy client on Substack.


  • Attendees will have an email sent to them with the studio link and video library password the day before the event goes live, October 11, 2024. This website will have a video library uploaded within the week after the event is recorded live.

  • Recordings will be available for ticket purchasers until December 30, 2024.

  • No. Email addresses are only kept by the conference database for informing you about event information, changes, and future events that may occur.

    You can sign up for individual speaker email newsletters by clicking “Connect” buttons on the Speaker page.

  • Yes, unless there is a crazy technology error that prevented a speaker from being recorded, we will caption all videos. Transcripts can also be individually requested.

  • VIP tickets are $50 USD. General admission tickets are $25 USD. Both include live and recorded video access.

    We have kept our tickets as low as possible while also needing to cover the costs of hosting the event. If you would like to donate a ticket or are facing a financial barrier, contact

    Visit the store after July 1st to purchase tickets and see full details.

  • This event takes place October 11, 2024 between 7am-1pm (Pacific Standard Time). Schedules will be emailed closer to the event to ticket holders. You can expect:

    + 7 individual speakers
    + 2 speaker panels
    + Q&A opportunities
    + Pre-recorded yoga
    + a guided journaling workshop

Claim your virtual ticket

This event would not be possible without our community advocates and founding members. Thank you!